I figured finding a decent 4 speed manual transmission would be easier than my fruitless search for an 80's S10 five speed, but I didn't expect it to happen quite so fast. I started looking, fairly quickly came up with a Saginaw 4 speed from the New Haven area Craigslist and was messaging back and forth with the seller. Not far from us, easy drive to go pick it up. I was close to making an offer when I decided to do one more quick search Monday afternoon, just to see if anything else had become available. Sure enough, posted about two hours before my search, there was a Saginaw just up the road right here in New Milford. Twenty-four hours later I was on the way home with it, crossing a major piece of the drivetrain puzzle off the shopping list.
A new clutch package is now in house as well. The Saginaw will bolt right up to the existing bell housing and work with the existing clutch, which has been working fine, but is 35-plus years old. Replacing it was really a no-brainer. A used Hurst-style shifter and all the connecting bits are also on the way, which leaves us needing only a driveshaft to complete the puzzle.
There will be maybe a couple weeks of down time because Alex is always busy with other projects, but I'm sure the wait will be quite worth it. Stay tuned...
The 70's Saginaw 4 speed that will soon be movin' us along
Thanks for stopping. See y'all down the road!
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