Sunday, September 2, 2018

One Thing You Can Count On

Okay, September is here. Time for another long overdue blog post...

As anyone who has ever taken on a project like this can tell you, the timeline you initially envision will almost certainly not happen. Originally, I wanted to do the coast to coast / Route 66 run this summer, and roll triumphantly into our 50th family reunion in Ohio (where I saw the truck for the first time as a teenager in 1981) on the way back. Wishful thinking for sure. The reunion happened three weeks ago and was an awesome time as always, but the finish line for our chassis swap project remains out there in the distance. Not a big deal in the grand scheme. The most important thing was the time spent with loved ones. The old farm is hallowed ground for our family, the fifth generation of which now walks it since Alva and Harry (Dad's parents) got married in 1920. Plans gone awry is often a good reminder of what really matters. At some point the epic road trip will happen, the truck will roll up Cady Run to the reunion, and regardless of when, it will be special.

With that, I thought I'd share a few current photos...

On the lift, gorgeous '40 Chevy in the background

Cab mounts were all toast, all replaced

Cab in place, starting to line things up

When we're all done I'm going to do a detailed book of photos documenting the project from beginning to end. Stay tuned, and as always, thanks for stopping by.

See y'all down the road!
