First things first: This truck would unquestionably still be sitting silent if it were not for some very special people, who, over the course of the last five years, lent the expertise that really made this thing happen. Brian rebuilt the carburetor. Jim made it run again for the first time since 1985, and did a bunch of wiring to get the brake lights, turn indicators and horn working. Dean welded up the rough spots on the rear fenders so I could get them back on. Steve fixed a bad spot in the frame and installed the front disc brake kit. And Alex smoothed out the bed sides, welded on the new stake pockets, fabricated a mount for the new dual feed master cylinder, finished up the brake job and worked with Jim on the final wiring. I don't know if I'll ever be able to fully express the appreciation I have for these friends and all their help.
The Danbury DMV was packed on May 21st, but I could not have cared less. I had a pen, my checkbook and all the necessary paperwork, and I knew that all I had to do was get in the door and I would eventually get my turn that day. When my number was called a little less than 90 minutes later, I bounded up to the counter like a giddy little school kid. I asked the 20 something guy who was helping me if he was into old trucks. “Nah, not really,” he said. I smiled and laughed and thanked him for being part of a very special moment anyway. Then I took my plates and smiled all the way out the door. Finally, the old truck was once again officially registered.
Nine days later, on Saturday May 30th, 2015, with many friends and family in attendance to indulge this old overgrown boy, the 34 year dream became reality. And what a very special day it was...
Here's a shot of the brothers and me from the big day. Left to right: Dan, yours truly, Chris, Pete...

Another day I could only dream about for a long time finally happened on June 6th. Our first trip to cruise night at the Sycamore in Bethel, the town where I grew up...

On July 11th came our first car show, an annual event put on by the Warren Volunteer Fire Company...

Right next to the actual Sycamore tree on August 22nd...

And last night at the final cruise of the Sycamore season, next to Dean's Camaro...

In between it all there were a few trips over to Alex's in Brewster, New York (45 minutes via the back roads), and lots of short "just for fun" drives around town. I'm very appreciative of all the smiles and kind comments from people at our various stops. It's been an awesome summer.

So I didn't let go, and so it is. We finally got 'er goin' down the road again. Thank you, Mom. I love you and miss you every day.